2009年7月12日 星期日

每次見到朋友時就自然會把開心的一面拿出來..... 我習慣在他們面前是快樂的、是喜歡笑的,

已經好多次, 自己坐坐下車的時候喊..... 返到屋企,對住四邊牆,又失控了.....

2009年6月3日 星期三

梁靜茹 - 知足

作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信

怎麼去擁有 一道彩虹 
怎麼去擁抱 一夏天的風
天上的星星 笑地上的人 總是不能懂 不能覺得足夠

如果我愛上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有
如果你快樂 不是為我 會不會放手 其實才是擁有

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 
為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 
才發現 笑著哭 最痛

那天你和我 那個山丘 那樣的唱著 那一年的歌
那樣的回憶 那麼足夠 足夠我天天 都品嚐著寂寞

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 
為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 
才發現 笑著哭 最痛

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 
為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 
才發現 笑著哭 最痛

如果我愛上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有
如果你快樂 再不是為我 會不會放手 其實才是擁有

知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛
知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛

2009年5月7日 星期四

Wish daddy would take me away...

2009年5月6日 星期三



2009年4月18日 星期六

wanna scream

心情又好差啦,好唔開心,好 mung jung,好想大叫

2009年1月29日 星期四

2009年1月26日 星期一


really not feeling well lately, physically and emotionally...

my back has been hurting a lot in the past few days, thought it was just muscle pain from my bad back at first... but for two nights, I woke up because of the pain... then i found out that the pain doesn't really come from the back muscle... but something hurts at the back of my body when i tried to press on my tummy... i can't tell what organ it could be... hope it's not something serious. i know i should get a check up if it doesn't go away, but i'm just so exhausted emotionally that i have no interest in doing anything about it at this point...

work hasn't been a very happy place for me. i kept failing in meeting the expectations. work load is high and i seriously suck at what i am doing. colleagues are nice, workplace is good, but i just feel like i dun fit into this place. sitting in front of the computer all day drains all energy out of me. i can't deal with the working culture in hk. It's really too stressful for me. You can tell me how everyone in hk is also so ridiculously busy, how everyone is working 12 ,14 hours a day and i really shouldn't be complainning. But these are MY feelings. They can handle the stress doesn't mean that I can do the same. Why can't I vent it out? Why is it not reasonable for me to be upset? For a few times I thought, if I were to have some kind of serious illness or disease, then i would have an excuse to stay out of all these and just live the most out of the short time that was left. I know this is so silly. I'm trying to keep myself from being so depressed. I can't let myself have depression.... I'm trying... trying very hard to deal with the stress and be happy..... trying very very hard....

2009年1月13日 星期二



So do you find a job that you like? or like the job that you found?