2008年4月11日 星期五

The cutest cake!!



看的時候記住每人每日平均需要大約 2000 卡路里.

Eat at your own risk:

20: Worst Fast-Food Chicken Meal - Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips from McDonald's (5 pieces) with cream ranch sauce. 830 Calories, 55 grams fat (4.5 trans fat), 48 carbs. Add a large fries and regular soda and this seemingly innocuous chicken meal tops out at 1,710 calories.

19: Worst drink - Jamba Juice Chocolate Moo'd Power Smoothie (30 fl oz). 900 calories, 10 g fat, 183 carbs, 166 g sugar. Jamba Juice calls it a smoothie, MSNBC calls it a milk shake. The beverage contains as much sugar as 8 pints of Ben & Jerry's butter pecan ice cream.

18: Worst supermarket meal - Pepperidge Farm Roasted Chicken Pot Pie (whole pie). 1,020 calories, 64 g fat, 86 g carbs. Label may say this pie serves two, but, who ever divided a small pot pie in half? Once you crack the crust, there will be no stopping.

17: Worst 'healthy' burger - Ruby Tuesday Bella Turkey Burger. 1,145 calories, 71 g fat, 56 g carbs.

16: Worst Mexican entree - Chipotle Mexican Grill Chicken Burrito. 1,179 calories, 47 g fat, 125 g carbs, 2,656 mg sodium.

15: Worst kids' meal - Macaroni Grill Double Macaroni 'n' Cheese. 1,210 calories, 62 g fat, 3,450 mg sodium. It's like feeding your kid 1-1/2 boxes of Kraft mac 'n' cheese.

14: Worst sandwich - Quiznos Classic Italian (large). 1,528 calories, 92 g fat, 4,604 mg sodium, 110 g carbs. A large homemade sandwich would more likely provide about 500 calories.

13: Worst salad - On the Border Grande Taco Salad with Taco Beef. 1,450 calories, 102 g fat, 78 g carbs, 2,410 mg sodium. This isn't an anomaly: Five different On the Border salads on the menu contain more than 1,100 calories each.

12: Worst burger - Carl's Jr. (Hardee's on East Coast) Double Six Dollar Burger. 1,520 calories! , 111g fat. Carl's Jr. brags it's home to this enormous sandwich, but the restaurant chain also provides convenient nutrition info on its Web site -- so ignorance is no excuse for eating it.

11: Worst steak - Lonestar 20 oz T-bone. 1,540 calories, 124g fat. Add a baked potato and Lonestar's Signature Lettuce Wedge, and this is a 2,700 calorie blowout

10: Worst breakfast - Bob Evans Caramel Banana Pecan Cream Stacked and Stuffed hotcakes. 1,540 calories, 77 g fat (9 g trans fat), 198 g carbs, 109 g sugar. Five Egg McMuffins yield the same caloric cost as this stack of sugar-stuffed flapjacks, which is truly a heavy breakfast, weighing in at a hefty pound and a half.

9: Worst dessert - Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. 1,600 calories, 78 g fat, 215 g carbs. Would you eat a Big Mac for dessert? How about three? That's the calorie equivalent of this decadent dish. Clearly, Chili's customers get their money's worth.

8: Worst Chinese entree - P.F. Chang's Pork Lo Mein. 1,820 calories, 127 g fat,! 95 g carbs. The fat content in this dish alone provides more than 1,100 calories. And you'd have to eat almost five servings of pasta to match the number of carbs it contains. Now, do you really need five servings of pasta?

7: Worst chicken entree - Chili's Honey Chipotle Crispers with Chipotle Sauce. 2,040 calories, 99 g fat, 240 g carbs. 'Crispers' refers to an extra thick layer of break crumbs that soak up oil and adds unnecessary calories and carbs to these glorified chicken strips.

6: Worst fish entree - On the Border Dos XX Fish Tacos with Rice and Beans. 2,100 calories, 130 g fat, 169 g carbs, 4,700 mg sodium. Perhaps the most misleadingly named dish in America : A dozen crunchy tacos from Taco Bell will saddle you with fewer calories.

5: Worst pizza - Uno Chicago Grill Chicago Classic Deep Dish Pizza. 2,310 calories, 162 g fat, 123 g carbs, 4,470 mg sodium. Downing this 'personal' pizza is equivalent to eating 18 slices of Domino's Crunchy Thin Crust cheese pizza.

4: Worst pasta - Macaroni Grill Spaghetti and Meatballs with Meat Sauce. 2,430 calories, 128 g fat, 207 g carbs, 5,290 mg sodium. This meal satisfied your calorie requirements for an entire day.

3: Worst nachos - On the Border Stacked Border Nachos. 2,740 calories, 166 g fat, 191 g carbs, 5,280 sodium.

2: Worst starter - Chili's Awesome Blossom. 2,710 calories, 203 g fat, 194 g carbs, 6,360 mg sodium.

1: The worst food in America - Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing. 2,900 calories, 182g fat, 240g carbs. Even if you split these 'starters' with three friends, you'll have downed a dinner's worth of calories before you entree arrives.

2008年4月1日 星期二


從來都不會追求吃甚麼鮑蔘翅肚, 身為營養師亦知道有營養的食物絕對不是這麼價值不非, 我卻不知道原來這些所謂寶品,得來的確造成許多傷害。

摘自Annka的xanga, please help spread the message.




(摘自轉寄電郵) 「很多漁民都是在外海獵捕鯊魚!!補到之後便在現場將鯊魚身上的魚鰭全部割下!! (請注意!!在這個階段鯊魚仍是活的!!!)

全部割完後鯊魚仍不會死亡!!!漁民便將鯊魚丟回海浬!鯊魚便躺在海底靜靜的等待死亡!! 期間可以看見鯊魚一直努力的扭動著身體但卻無法動彈。因為牠身上所有的鰭已經被割去!!包括尾鰭!!胸鰭!!背鰭!!

如此掙扎要數天之久鯊魚才會餓死!!!請注意喔!!是餓死!!!和流血流盡而死!!!!! 人類餓死就是死!!其他動物餓死就活該死好!!還記得之前有一部電影"駭客任務"!!裡面有一段話真的讓我深深有所認同!! 那時有一個"電腦人"對著第二男主角說他在作物種分類時發現所有的哺乳類動物均會對地球會有所貢獻!!但我們人類雖然是哺乳類動物但只會對地球造成傷害!!



寄望因為這些照片而減少對地球生態的傷害!!! 看完之後...覺得很難過....就像燕窩跟象牙一樣.....任賢齊在Discovery頻道常叫大家別吃魚翅,請大家多響應吧!想吃魚翅,不如吃粉絲算了!想吃燕窩可以吃白木耳, 口感一樣而且又較健康!這種事已發生很久了,但有些人類還是無情的殘害動物!口不擇食的結果...我想,人類也得不到好處!


記 得香港電台曾經談論起環保的事情,中國人愛吃魚翅,好難改變飲食文化和思想,尤其在婚禮宴席,接著說到有一位女藝人要結婚,因為環保的關係,快要結婚女兒 說酒席裡不要魚翅,結果她的父親氣得面紅耳赤大聲說:「婚禮酒席怎可以沒有魚翅的...」聽到這裡,相信這是老一輩子改不了的傳統觀念?。」


我有建議說我可以自己在晚宴期間跟嘉賓解釋,就像我告訴大家我們已把造小禮物的小小金錢拿去助養小孩了,大家都拍掌支持。效果不是很好嗎? 有誰會在乎我的一塊巧克力、一瓶蜜糖、一個鎖匙扣或一對筷子? 經濟中的Utility就最能解釋清楚了。

l 假設Utility Level 1-10

l 每份禮物budget $10

l 一份小禮物帶給主人家Utility約為 1-2 (compare with all the more important things on your wedding day)

l 帶給賓客Utility約為 0.1-0.2 (by my own experience)

l $10 x 12x 30圍酒席 = $3,600 = 助養一個小孩 514

l 小孩的Utility 10 x 514 = 5,140

l 賓客+主人家的Utility則少於100


錦上添花 vs 雪中送炭